The Utah Area Plan 2024

Plan for God’s Work of Salvation 2024

Mon, Dec 18, 2023, 6:27 AM

Enoch Utah Stake

To: Bishoprics, Ward Organization Leaders, Ward Mission Leaders and Ward Temple and Family History Leaders.

Brothers and Sisters,

We love you! We are grateful for our association with you and for your consecrated efforts in the Gathering of Israel! We pray the choices blessings of the Lord to be upon you and your families in your faithful service.

We feel an urgency to do all we can to assist in God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation. As such, we feel a new approach may be needed, a new focus on how we communicate and invite member participation in God’s work. As mentioned in the video, we believe as we invite all members to participate in this work, the gathering will occur at an ever increasing rate! We believe as we all pull together, using the Utah Area Plan as our guide, this will strengthen our focus, and build unity within the Stake. We will indeed witness miracles occur in the lives of individuals as we invite them to come unto Christ, to make and keep sacred covenants, and to experience true and everlasting joy!

Brothers and Sisters, we realize your ward plan may include a focus on some other areas outside what is highlighted in the Area Plan. This is great, and we invite full autonomy to guide your respective wards and organizations as inspired of the Lord. It is likely that whatever the focus, making and keeping sacred covenants, becoming a true disciple of Jesus Christ, helping the Church grow by gathering Israel on both sides of the veil, and strengthening the rising generation are umbrellas under which every other initiative live. This being likely, we would invite you to tie your individual plans together with the Utah Area Plan, which is the Enoch Ut Stake Plan.

Again, we love you Brothers and Sisters! We are excited for the new opportunities that await us in the coming year.


The Enoch Utah Stake Presidency

President Shawn Stoor
Stake President
Enoch Utah Stake

President Michael Jensen 
1st Counselor, Stake Presidency
Enoch Utah Stake