Index of Website Pages

I am not a professional writer.  I am a retired military man in my mid to late seventies.  I write because I have many wonderful and meaningful life experiences.  They are valuable to me and I treasure them.  I want to remember them, record them, and share them.  I hope they will be of value to others, and especially to my family.  I do not write these posts in any particular order.  I write them randomly as the thoughts and memories come to me, and as I gain new insights.  (Please note: at times, I may move a timely or more relevant thought to the top of this list.)   These are mostly my thoughts, many of which are very personal.  I write and share them sincerely from my heart.  In addition, I have included many favorite quotes from great thinkers and writers.  These are insights I believe and cherish.  I write from the perspective of a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.   I consider myself a disciple of Jesus Christ.

 A Hummingbird in My Palm

A Little Child Shall Lead Them!
A Pattern for Praying unto the Father
A Pattern for Receiving Revelation
A Personal Blessing from an Apostle of Jesus Christ
A Prophet’s Testimony of the Book of Mormon
A Rabbi takes on the Book of Mormon
A Remission of our Sins
Always Love Your Children
Am I Still Relevant?
Animals in the Afterlife
Another Horse Lesson
Avoid Horror and Evil
Become the person God wants you to be!
Carpe Diem
Child Reverence in the Chapel
Choose Wisely this Season
Come Unto God!
Early to Bed, Early to Rise!
Endure it Well …in Righteousness
Examples of Answers to Prayers
Faith and Charity
Faith in God unto Life and Salvation
Fishing Lessons Under the Golden Gate Bridge
Food Shopping, Management, and Storage 
God’s Great Plan of Salvation
God’s Vast Universe
Growing Old: A Personal Perspective
Holy Phrases and Holy Principles
Home Insights from “Mister Mom!”
Honza Bláha Horsemanship
Hope in the Future
Horse Lessons
I Like Checklists!
Immediate Blessings
Jerusalem and the End Days
Keeping the Commandments
Kitchen Clean-Up!
Linguistic Hebraisms in The Book of Mormon
Looking Back on 2020 and 2021
Maybe We Should Pray!
My Life with Animals
My Testimony of this Life and the Plan of Salvation
Our Enormous “Red Supergiant”
Our Home: “a Holy Place!”
Overcoming “Roadblocks” to Reading the Book of Mormon
Patience is a Virtue
Planets in Alignment
Protecting Children and Youth
Receiving Answers to our Prayers
Sacrament Service in our Home
Some Christmas Favorites
Teaching Our Children
Thank you for Introducing me to the Gospel!
Thanksgiving Proclamation
The Abrahamic Covenant and the Gospel
The Book of Enoch
The Condescension of God
The Dead Sea Scrolls
The Doctrine of Christ – A Simple Diagram
The Doctrine of Christ (Full Version with PowerPoint)
The Law of Consecration
The Lord will Come to His Holy Temples
The People of the Book of Mormon
The True Story of the Pilgrims and Thanksgiving
Thoughts on the Holy Ghost
Three Personal Insights
Untether the Phone
We Shall Have Tribulation
We’ve Witnessed a Miracle
What Should I Be Doing?
Why and How to Record Your Thoughts
Why and How to Study the Holy Scriptures
Why Do I Get Up Early?