Preparing for the Coming of Our Lord “Prepare ye the way of the Lord, and make his paths straight, for the hour of his coming is nigh” (D&C 133:17). Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Fielding Smith, Chapter 26.
Author: saedgar
“My Personal Testimony of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ”
The Great Apostacy
Please allow me to share a very brief understanding about the Church of Jesus Christ in the Early Christian era. Following the resurrection and ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Apostles and Disciples began traveling about the region sharing and teaching the Gospel of Christ to the chosen people of God (the Jewish people). However, in a vision (see Acts 10), the Apostle Peter was commanded to begin taking the gospel to the Gentiles (the non-Jews), as well as the Jews.
As the knowledge and teachings of the Gospel of Jesus Christ began to spread throughout the Roman Empire, Roman hostilities towards both Jews and Gentiles under their sovereign control also began to increase. Many Christians and Jews were persecuted and slaughtered by the Roman legions (e.g., all the Apostles of Jesus Christ were either martyred/or banished.) Many Jews and Gentiles fought back, but many were slaughtered by the Roman armies (it is estimated that the Roman vanquishing of Galilee resulted in an estimated 100,000 Jews killed or sold into slavery). (NOTE: Much of this history is recorded in the writings of the ancient Jewish historian, Flavius Josephus.) In the space of about 40 years, the foundation and organization of the Lord’s true church (including a full understanding of Heavenly Father’s Great Plan of Salvation) became marginalized and/or corrupted … and eventually, Divine revelation ceased.
Also, because of growing persecution and wickedness (in both the church and the world), the pure original Gospel of Jesus Christ became corrupted by both false religious leaders and conspiring government politicians. And, the earth began to fall into what became known as “the Great Apostasy” when these false leaders began to modify the original church and corrupted the purity of the pure Doctrine of Christ. In world history, much of this period of more than 1,000 years is referred to as “the Dark Ages” when “…the heavens were sealed.”
The Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
However, I testify the fullness of the Everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ has since been restored to the earth in our day. God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ have opened the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times. In the Spring of 1820, a young boy (Joseph Smith, Jr.) was seeking answers to his questions concerning which of all the churches was true, and which he should join. While searching, he came across the words of the Apostle James …which read: “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” (James 1:5). Young Joseph later wrote that “…never did any passage of scripture come with more power to the heart of man than this did at this time to mine.” Armed with confidence, the boy Joseph decided to approach God the Father in humble prayer. A brief video dramatization of Joseph Smith’s First Vision experience is provided below. Please tap the following video image to watch this short but inspiring true historical event.
(NOTE: Be sure your audio is on! To enlarge an image, start the video, then hover over and tap the box in the lower right corner of the image. When finished, tap the Esc key to return this point. Repeat the process with the next image.)
After watching the inspiring short video above, please click below and listen to a beautiful and inspiring song (“RESTORED“) about the Glorious Gospel Restoration. (Music written and composed by Shawna Edwards.)
Now, after watching and listening to these videos and the music, please continue on and read a short summary of my personal testimony of Jesus the Christ and the glorious restoration of the Lord’s Kingdom on the Earth.
My Personal Testimony
Dear Family, Friends, and all whose who may read this, we are now living in “the Dispensation of the Fullness of Times.” Heavenly messengers have returned to the earth and restored Holy Priesthood authority/powers and blessings. In addition, our Heavenly Father’s “Gospel Plan of Salvation” and “the Doctrine of Christ” have been revealed (again). I believe Jesus Christ Himself sits at the head of His Church (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), and He is alive and well. He is the Creator, our Savior, our Redeemer, and literally, the resurrected and glorified Son of God the Eternal Father.
Like God the Father, Jesus Christ loves all of God’s children, and because of His Sacrifice and Obedience to God, He has made it possible for us to be completely forgiven of our sins and redeemed from the Fall of Adam. Thus, He has provided a way (if we are willing) for each of us to ultimately return and live with God (our Eternal Father in Heaven) again. “For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” (The Pearl of Great Price, Moses 1:39)
Of these things I am certain, and with conviction I testify they are true. I share this testimony openly with all who will read it. And I do it with full confidence and all sincerity. I know for myself they are true; and I know you too can receive this same assurance by the power of the Holy Ghost.
“And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.” (The Book of Mormon, Moroni 10:4-5)
My name is Scott Alexander Edgar. I am a fellow servant in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and consider myself “a Follower and Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.” If you would like to learn more, please visit the Come unto Christ web page. Also, please humbly consider approaching God the Father in sincere personal prayer concerning these true and sacred matters. God answers honest and sincere prayers. Seek to “Hear Him!“ And always remember, Jesus Christ is “…the light and the life of the World.” He wants us all to come unto Him. He is our Eternal Savior and Redeemer. Of this, I am certain!
Scott A. Edgar
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Jesus Christ: the Prince of Peace
Looking for real peace in a chaotic world? Jesus Christ is the ultimate symbol of peace. Watch the above video (“The Prince of Peace: Find Lasting Peace through Jesus Christ”) and learn more. Though never a king in the earthly sense, He reigns as the King of kings and Lord of lords, offering us a pathway to inner peace and hope. Jesus Christ conquered the World through love, forgiveness, and sacrifice, showing us the path to true peace. Discover how He can heal, mend, calm, and bring hope to your life.
This Easter, let’s find lasting peace through Jesus Christ. Join us as we learn principles of peace that can transform our lives and our world. Click on the following link provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and enjoy inspiring videos: Learn of Christ . Find peace in a troubled world through the teachings of Jesus Christ.
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Book of Mormon Evidence
Evidence of the Book of Mormon: Old World Geography
Yemen Houthis Hostilities
“Houthi hostile threats in the Red Sea and bab el Mandeb.”
Threat developments in the bab el Mandeb region of the Red Sea.
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Keep on the Covenant Path of Christ
General Authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints discuss and provide counsel to all of God’s children to stay on: The Covenant Path of Christ.
“Now this is the commandment: Repent, all ye ends of the earth, and come unto me and be baptized in my name, that ye may be sanctified by the reception of the Holy Ghost, that ye may stand spotless before me at the last day.”
Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi 27:20.
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The Kirtland Temple Experience
Professor Truman G. Madsen (13 Dec 1926 – 28 May 2009).
A Brief Bio: Truman Madsen was a professor of religion and philosophy at Brigham Young University (BYU) and director of the Brigham Young University Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies. He was a prolific author, a recognized authority on Joseph Smith, and a popular lecturer among Latter-day Saints. At one point, Brother Madsen was an instructor at the LDS Institute of Religion in Berkeley, California. He received his Ph.D. from Harvard University. He also studied at the University of Utah and the University of Southern California.
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Newly Refurbished Manti Temple
(NOTE: Please turn up your sound system to hear the description of the beautiful renovations to the House of the Lord in Manti, Utah. And of course, enjoy the beautiful video.)
“Understand Who You Are”
Frequently Asked Questions
News Release
Frequently Asked Questions Clarify the Transfer of Sacred Sites and Historic Documents
(See Appendix below for a list of items transferred!)
1. What was included in the transaction? The transaction involves land, buildings, artifacts, and documents. The real estate, along with some artifacts, are in Kirtland, Ohio, and Nauvoo, Illinois, while artifacts and documents also come from Community of Christ Library and Archives in Independence, Missouri.
2. What are the most significant items? The most significant properties are the Kirtland Temple, the Smith Family Homestead, the Mansion House, the Nauvoo House, and the Red Brick Store. Significant documents and artifacts include manuscripts and the Bible used in the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible, seven letters from Joseph Smith to his wife Emma, John Whitmer’s history of the Church, original portraits of Joseph and Emma Smith, the cornerstone of the Nauvoo House, the original door of Liberty Jail, and a document with the title of “Caractors,” which may contain a sample of inscriptions from the gold plates. (See the appendix for a more detailed list of items transferred.)
3. How did Community of Christ acquire these materials?
After the Saints left Kirtland in the 1830s, different parties controlled access to the temple over the years. In 1901, Community of Christ, then known as the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (“RLDS Church”) secured title to the Kirtland Temple through legal proceedings. The Smith family properties in Nauvoo remained in possession of Emma Smith after Joseph Smith’s death and she and her children eventually joined the RLDS Church. Thereafter, the properties passed through family connections to the RLDS Church. Other documents and artifacts were donated to the RLDS Church archives by their individual owners.
4. Why did Community of Christ sell these materials now?
As Community of Christ President Stephen M. Veazey noted in the joint statement, the transfer of materials at this time enables their mission and priorities around the world.
5. Why did The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints purchase these materials?|
The sites and artifacts in this transaction relate to significant events and people in the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
6. What is the relationship between the two churches?
The two churches enjoy a strong, respectful, and friendly relationship. For many decades, we have collaborated on numerous historical and humanitarian projects.
7. Have there been previous transactions of historic materials between the two churches?
Yes. In 2012, Community of Christ sold to the Church of Jesus Christ several properties, including the Hawn’s Mill Massacre site and the Joseph and Emma Smith home in Kirtland. Five years later, Community of Christ sold the Printer’s Manuscript of the Book of Mormon to the Church of Jesus Christ.
8. What was paid for the properties, artifacts, and documents?
The Church paid US$192.5 million without assigning specific values to the properties and items.
9. Will the historic sites be open to the public?
Yes. The historic buildings in Kirtland and Nauvoo closed on March 5, 2024, to facilitate the transfer of ownership and will reopen to the public on March 25, 2024. Tours will be provided of the Kirtland Temple, the Smith Family Homestead, the Mansion House, and the Red Brick Store. Updated visitor information will be published on the historic site webpages for Historic Kirtland and Historic Nauvoo.
10. Will admission be charged to visit the sites?
No. All of the Church of Jesus Christ’s historic sites are open to the public at no charge.
11. Will members of Community of Christ continue to have access to the sites?
Yes. The sites will be open to the public generally. The Church has also made specific arrangements with Community of Christ to allow for special meetings and gatherings over the coming years.
12. Will the Kirtland Temple be converted into a functioning Latter-day Saint temple?
No. The Kirtland Temple will be maintained and presented as a historic building that is open to the public. President Russell M. Nelson announced a temple in Cleveland in April 2022, and the Church released its site address in December 2022 and a rendering in July 2023.
13. Will the Church continue to pursue development of its proposed new visitors’ center near the Nauvoo Temple?
Yes. The proposed visitors’ center in Nauvoo will orient visitors to the historic and contemporary significance of the Nauvoo Temple. The use of the other two visitors’ centers in Nauvoo will be determined in the future.
Appendix: List of Items Transferred
Historic Buildings that Will Remain Open to the Public in Kirtland, Ohio: Kirtland Temple, 9020 Chillicothe Road
Historic Buildings that Will Remain Open to the Public in Nauvoo, Illinois: Smith Family Homestead and Summer Kitchen, 935 South Main Street
Joseph and Emma Smith Mansion House, 890 South Main Street
Red Brick Store (reconstructed), 610 Water Street
Nauvoo House, 950 South Main Street
Historical Artifacts:
Portraits of Joseph and Emma Smith, circa 1842, attributed to David Rogers
Original door of Liberty Jail, circa 1833
Book of Mormon “Caractors” document
Four pages from Revelation Book 1, including portions of revelations now known as Doctrine and Covenants 64, 65, 66, 76, 81, and 133
Seven letters from Joseph to Emma Smith, including letters written on 13 October 1832, 18 May 1834, 4 November 1838, 12 November 1838, 9 November 1839, 23 June 1844, and 27 June 1844
A history of the church, written by John Whitmer
Manuscript notes of 1879 interview with Emma Smith by Joseph Smith III
Joseph Smith’s printed “Phinney” Bible (Cooperstown, New York, 1828) with his numerous markings as part of the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible
Manuscripts of the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible:
Old Testament manuscript 1 (June 1830–7 March 1831)
Old Testament manuscript 2, first part (8 March–5 April 1831)
Old Testament manuscript 2, second part (20 July 1832–2 July 1833)
Old Testament manuscript 3 (ca. late 1830–early 1831)
New Testament manuscript 1 (8 March–June 1831)
New Testament manuscript 2, Folio 1 (4 Apr 1831–26 Sep 1831)
New Testament manuscript 2, Folio 2 (26 Sep 1831–late 1831)
New Testament manuscript 2, Folio 3 (winter 1831–1832)
New Testament manuscript 2, Folio 4 (January/February 1832–31 July 1832)
Publication committee manuscripts for the first complete edition of the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible as The Holy Scriptures (1867)
Joseph Smith writing desk (Kirtland Temple)
1820s couch associated with the Whitney family (Kirtland Temple)
Original elements of the Kirtland temple:
Oval window frame
Front door keystone and frame
Stone arch
Pieces of original stucco and sandstone
Nauvoo Temple Sunstone
Two Nauvoo Temple Moonstones
Nauvoo House cornerstone, which housed the Original Manuscript of the Book of Mormon
Joseph Smith desk (Mansion House)
Emma Smith trunk (Mansion House)
Lucy Mack Smith rocking chair (Mansion House)
Two Smith family chairs (Mansion House)
Emma Smith walking stick (Homestead)
Washstand associated with Hawn’s Mill (Homestead)
Sampler (Homestead)
Bowl (Homestead)
Three inkwells (Red Brick Store)
In addition, the transfer includes the vast majority of representative period artifacts that are currently on display in the historic buildings (most of these artifacts are not historically associated with the Smith family or with Nauvoo).
Non-Historic Buildings in Kirtland
Temple Visitor’s Center, 9076 Chillicothe Road
Private residence and shop, 7788 Maple Street
Private residence, 7799 Joseph Street
Private residence, 9120 Timothy Lane
Small Undeveloped Lots in Kirtland
[unnumbered] Joseph Street
9080 Chillicothe Road
Historic Buildings with Modernized Interiors in Nauvoo (Private Use)
Hiram and Thankful Clark home, 790 South Hyde Street
Aaron and Polly Johnson home, 475 Water Street
William and Rosannah Marks home, 575 Water Street
Sidney and Phebe Rigdon home, 860 South Main Street
Jonathan and Rebecca Wright home, 455 Water Street
The First Hotel, 795 South Main Street
A stone stable built by Lewis Bidamon, 940 South Main Street
Non-Historic Buildings in Nauvoo
Maintenance Shop, Bain Street
All Nauvoo Blocks and Lots (indexed to the 1842 Map of the City of Nauvoo)
Block 137, Lot 4 – no structures
Block 138 – no structures
Block 139, lots 3-4 – includes the First Hotel
Block 140, lots 3-4 – no structures
Block 145 – no structures
Block 146 – includes the Joseph Smith Historic Site Visitor’s Center (initially leased by the Church and subject to a secondary closing at a later date), James and Sally Brinkerhoff former home site, and Levi and Clarissa Hancock former home site
Block 147 – includes the Mansion House, Rigdon home, Clark home, Samuel and Levira Smith former home site, and Theodore and Frances Turley former home site
Block 148 – includes the William Law store former site
Block 149 – includes the Marks home, public restrooms, a Hyrum Smith office former site, and the Times and Seasons newspaper office former site
Block 150 – includes the Johnson home, Wright home, maintenance shop
Block 153 – no structures
Block 154 – includes a Hyrum Smith office former site
Block 155 – includes the Red Brick Store and the Smith Homestead and summer kitchen; does not include the Smith Family Cemetery
Block 156 – includes the Nauvoo House, Bidamon stable, Joseph Smith red brick stable former home site, Joseph Sr. and Lucy Smith former home site, Porter Rockwell former home site, and a parking area
Block 157 – no structures
Block 158, lots 2-3 – includes private residence (960 South Partridge Street)
Block 161 – no structures
Block 162 – no structures