Elder Bruce R. McConkie
Author: saedgar
“The Profile of a Prophet”
Elder/President Hugh B. Brown
Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration
A motion picture about the life and legacy of Joseph Smith, the founding prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who translated The Book of Mormon. To learn more about Joseph Smith’s history visit: http://josephsmith.net/
A Rabbi’s Take on the Book of Mormon
“Hebraisms” found in the Book of Mormon!
“In the Jewish mind, when we read a text that has language that is curious, peculiar, we don’t like many scholars in the scholarly academic world, we don’t try to edit our test. We say that this structure, as clumsy or as peculiar as it is, or as repetitive as it is, it’s intentional. Every word is necessary, every word is foundational to more sacred understanding, a sacred growth. Had we said it in a simple way or a more literate way, you would have missed the point. There are Hebraic or linguistic Hebraisms in the Book of Mormon. Very often you have a series of ‘ands,’ extra ‘ands.’ In (the book of) Helaman, chapter 3, one sentence has, I think, 17 ands.” (See Helaman 3:14-17)
Rabbi Joe Charnes
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Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
Our Prophet today, President Russell M. Nelson, provides clear focus on the Principle of Faith in Jesus Christ. Easter Sunday, 31 Mar 2024.
A Message of Peace and Hope …in Christ!
Please watch this uplifting video message above. Then, read the brief message below concerning the Atonement and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is “the Prince of Peace!” He has atoned for the sins and transgressions of all mankind who will repent, “Come unto Him …and follow Him!” He is the Great Jehovah of the Old Testament (the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), the Light and Life of the World, our Savior and Redeemer, the Resurrected and Glorified Eternal Son of God the Father, the Living and Eternal God of Heaven and Earth. Through His gift of the Atonement and His Resurrection from death, Jesus Christ has redeemed all mankind from the Fall of Adam, and He has overcome death for all. Because of Jesus Christ, we can have Hope and Peace in this life and Joy in the glorious and Eternal Worlds to come …without End!
What “we” must do is: Learn of Him; repent of our transgressions; and, follow Him! He will prepare and glorify all who will forsake their sins, overcome the world, and follow Him and His teachings. Jesus Christ is literally the “Chosen One” of God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Holy One of Israel, and the Holy Messiah. It is Christ who has taken upon Himself the sins and transgression of all who will repent and come unto Him. Jesus Christ is literally, the only “Chosen and Beloved Son” of the Living God of the Universe, “God the Eternal Father.” Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son of God the Father in the Flesh.
The whole of humanity are “spiritually” born of God the Father in our pre-earthly existent life. We were all spirit children of God the Father (Elohim) in our pre-existent life (in Heaven). In this life, we were born (or will be) of Earthly (physical) parent. During our conception and birth in our mothers’ whoms, our spirits were united with our Earthly bodies of flesh. However, after our eventual physical death in this life (that is, our mortal death), our spirits shall return to the heavenly realms and we will await the reuniting of our bodies and spirits (the resurrection). Prior to the glorious resurrection, our physical bodies (i.e, our remains) will be placed in earthly graves …to decay, and our spirit bodies will return to the “heavenly” realm of spirits to await the glorious resurrection and be born again. (Note: I am certain, there will be much work to be done in the Spirit World! Be assured, we will not be just sitting around as spirits, waiting patiently to be resurrected!)
Because of Jesus Christ, we will all (eventually) be resurrection. Our individual spirits and bodies will be reunited as one “in the glorious resurrection.” And, the multitude of all mankind will stand before the great bar of Judgement, and the Great Judge of Heaven and Earth, even Jesus the Christ, will Judge all mankind with His perfect and righteous judgement. Ultimately, we will all join the hosts and Kingdoms of Heaven, in various levels of Eternal Glory, depending upon our various and individual degrees of worthiness (righteousness) and preparation …as determined by the Great Judge of Heaven and Earth, our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ!
(NOTE: This overly simplified message above on this very complex and sacred matter was prepared by Scott A. Edgar. Please ponder on it, and make it a matter of sincere personal prayer.)
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“The Savior Understands Me!”
Jesus Christ knows us! He knows us and He understands us. He knows our names, our needs, our hopes, and our purpose. He truly loves us!
“Why Not Now?”
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“Terror, Triumph and a Wedding Feast”
A BYU Speech delivered on September 12, 3004 by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, “Hope in troubling days ahead.”
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Transcript: “Preparing for the Coming of Our Lord”
“Preparing for the Coming of Our Lord”
Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Fielding Smith, Chapter 26
“Prepare ye the way of the Lord, and make his paths straight, for the hour of his coming is nigh” (D&C 133:17).
“There will be a judgment when Christ comes.”
“The parable the Lord taught of the Wheat and the Tares had reference to the last days. According to the story a sower planted good seed in his field, but while he slept the enemy came and sowed tares in the field. When the blades began to show, the servants desired to go and pluck up the tares but the Lord commanded them to let both the wheat and the tares grow up together until the harvest was ripe, lest they root up the tender wheat while destroying the tares. Then at the end of the harvest, they were to go forth and gather the wheat and bind the tares to be burned. In the explanation of this parable, the Lord said to his disciples that “the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.” [See Matthew 13:24–30, 36–43; and D&C 86.]
“The tares and the wheat are growing together and have been growing in the same field for all these years, but the day is near at hand when the wheat will be garnered, and the tares likewise will be gathered to be burned, and there will come a separation, the righteous from the wicked, and it behooves each one of us to keep the commandments of the Lord, to repent of our sins, to turn unto righteousness, if there is need of repentance in our hearts.”
“Build up and strengthen the members of the Church in faith in God; goodness knows we need it. There are so many influences at work to divide us asunder, right among the members of the Church, and there is going to come, one of these days in the near future a separation of the wheat from the tares, and we are either wheat or tares. We are going to be on one side or the other.”
“The day will come when we will not have this world. It will be changed. We will get a better world. We will get one that is righteous, because when Christ comes, he will cleanse the earth.”
“Read what is written in our scriptures. Read what he himself has said. When he comes, he will cleanse this earth from all its wickedness, and, speaking of the Church, he has said that he would send his angels and they would gather out of his kingdom, which is the Church, all things that offend [see Matthew 13:41].”
“[The] great and dreadful day can be no other time but the coming of Jesus Christ to establish his kingdom in power among the righteous on the earth and to cleanse the earth from all iniquity. It will not be a day of fear and to cause dread in the hearts of the righteous, but it will be a great day of fear and terror to the ungodly. This we have learned from the words of our Savior himself, as he taught his disciples [see Matthew 24; Joseph Smith—Matthew 1].”
“There shall be a judgment when Christ comes. We are informed that the books shall be opened, the dead shall be judged out of the things which are written in the books and among the books will be the book of life [see Revelation 20:12]. We shall see its pages. We shall see ourselves just as we are, and we are to understand with a righteous understanding that the judgments which are meted out to us are just and true, whether we come into the Kingdom of God, … to receive these glorious blessings or whether we are banished.”
“I plead with the Latter-day Saints to stand firm and faithful in the discharge of every duty, keeping the commandments of the Lord, honoring the priesthood, that we may stand when the Lord comes—whether we be living or dead, it matters not,—to be partakers of this glory.”
“To prepare for the coming of the Lord, we need to watch and pray and get our houses in order. There are many events in the world today which indicate that the great day of the Lord is drawing near when the Redeemer will again appear to set up his kingdom in righteousness preparatory to the millennial reign. In the meantime, it is the duty of members of the Church to seek for knowledge and to prepare themselves by study and by faith for the ushering in of that great and glorious day.”
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