Thank you for Introducing me to the Gospel!

In the early 1980s, my family and I lived in West Germany.  We were members of the Kaiserslautern Germany Servicemen Stake.  At the time, our local leaders were emphasizing missionary work.  We were told that “within our circle of friends, the Lord had placed some of his choice spirit children who were seeking the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”  My wife Jenny and I believed that to be true.  Our leaders encouraged each of us in the stake to identify non-member friends of ours that we thought would be interested in hearing the gospel message.  We were to make an initial list of about ten people.  Then we were to fast and pray about our list of friends and decide who we were to approach first.

We decide on contacting two men who were coworkers in my office.  I spoke first to Chris, a young single man in the office, but he showed little interest at the time.  Next, we planned to approach Bruce Hamby, a good and kind man with a young family.  However, several days went by and I found myself nervous about speaking to Bruce about the gospel.  Finally one day, Jenny called me at the office and said, “Have you spoken to Bruce yet?”  I said, “no, but I intend to soon.”  Then Jenny asked if Bruce was in the office that day, and I said that he was.  At that point, she said “Scott, put down the phone.  I will wait while you talk to him!”  Well, nervously I went over to Bruce and said, “Bruce, did you know that I’m a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?”  He said yes, and I responded: “Would you be interested in learning more about the church?”  His simple answer was, “Yes, I would.”

Well, the next several weeks were magical.  Bruce and Ella (and their daughter Tanya) came to our home for dinner and met with the missionaries.  We also went to their home and had dinner with them and the missionaries.  The missionaries taught their lessons.  The Hamby’s attended church meetings with us, met with the saints, and embraced the gospel message.  Then, in just a few short weeks, they were baptized.  It was a gloriously wonderful and happy day.  Even the young single man in our office (Chris) attended the baptism and was impressed.  Later on, Bruce and Ella approached Chris about the gospel; and with their fellowshipping, Chris was taught by the missionaries and was also baptized into the church.

Now, this was a wonderful experience for our families.  But afterward, Bruce came to me with an amazing addition to this story.  He said, “Scott I have something I’d like to tell you.  You should know that I grew up in a small town in Utah near Hill Air Force Base.  My father was a civilian employee at the base and we were not members of the church.  All through my school years, I heard about things like Primary, youth activities and Seminary, and I was interested.  But no one ever invited me to attend.  I even had members of my immediate family who became members of the church, but I never felt invited.  Thank you for introducing my family to the gospel.”

Today, Bruce and Ella are still very active in the Gospel.  Bruce has served faithfully on the Stake High Council and has served as a Temple Ordinance Worker.  Ella has served faithfully as a Young Women’s leader.  Their children have served missions and have made Temple Covenants.

(Note: An edited version of this article was published in the Ensign Magazine, July 2016 edition, page 76.)

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A Pattern for Receiving Revelation

In a previous post, I mentioned that the mysteries of Godliness become clearer “as (we) draw nearer to our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.”  I’d like to write a little more about that.  What does it really mean to draw closer to God?  How do mysteries become clearer as we do?  Or in other words, how do we receive inspiration/revelation. There are certain patterns and behaviors that we can learn that can answer these questions, as well as all other urgent matters.  Think of these steps as “homework” for qualifying to receive personal revelation.

A desire to Know:
Before we begin the process, we must have a personal desire to know of God the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ.  “Desire motivates us to action.”  In this case, we act because we want to know more about the Father and the Son.  As our knowledge grows, and we seek and pray for spiritual confirmation of the truth of what we’ve learned, we will begin to know them and naturally draw closer to them. (This is written about in more detail in a previous post, “Faith and Charity.”)

Rely on the Holy Spirit:
But as a practical matter, there are several “steps” you can follow to receive personal revelation, whether it be concerning knowledge of Christ or knowledge of any other important issue. If we are seeking divine revelation, we need to understand that revelation comes from the Holy Ghost (or Holy Spirit).  The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead, and He is called by many titles: the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit, and the Comforter (to mention just a few).  But, he’s also called “the Revelator.”  In his role as “the Revelator,” his primary mission is to bare (reveal) and confirm testimony of the truthfulness of God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.  As the Book of Mormon Prophet Nephi taught, “he that diligently seeketh shalt find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost” (1 Nephi 10:19).  And also consider the words of the Prophet Moroni in his final testimony recorded in the Book of Mormon, “And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things” (Moroni 10:5).

Be Worthy of Spiritual Influence:
That said, we must also be living a life worthy of the influence of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit can guide anyone to know of Christ, but of necessity, He must withdraw if that person becomes unholy or unworthy of His presence.  If you’ve been baptized and received the gift of the Holy Ghost (by one who is authorized), you are promised that you may have the constant influence of the Holy Spirit in your life; but here too, only if you remain worthy.  In all cases, if you are not worthy of His influence (e.g., because of transgressions or sin), He will necessarily withdraw His influence from you until the problem has been resolved through repentance.  This is because He is a Holy Being and cannot dwell in unrighteousness.  So, strive to be clean and worthy that you may qualify for and have the influence of the Holy Ghost in your life

Follow Examples in the Scriptures:
So now, having a desire to know more of God and Christ through revelation, and being worthy to receive inspiration from the Holy Ghost, one is ready to seek and receive inspiration from God.  In the Holy Scriptures, there are many examples of this revelatory pattern or process.  I will now highlight three wonderful and specific examples of how revelation was received: first, Nephi sees the Spirit of the Lord and is shown in vision the tree of life (1 Nephi 11:1-5); next, the First Vision of the Prophet Joseph Smith (JSH 1:7-18); and lastly, a vision given to President Joseph F. Smith concerning the redemption of the dead (D&C 138:1-11).

In these instances, these men had been pondering on matters of great importance and reflecting on the issues again and again.  In the case of the Prophet Nephi, he wanted to know the interpretation of his father’s dream. For young Joseph Smith, he was searching to know which of all the churches he should join.  President Joseph F. Smith had been searching for answers about the hereafter and about associations with loved ones who had passed away.   These matters weighed heavily upon their minds.

According to Nephi, he “desired to know the things (his) father had seen, and believing that the Lord was able to make them known unto (him).”  He reported that he “sat pondering in (his) heart.”  Here, we must assume that in addition to pondering and believing, Nephi reflected greatly upon his father’s dream and prayed mightily to God. As to his reading from the scriptures, we know he was studying the Holy Scriptures (the Plates of Brass) and making his own scriptural record (1 Nephi 9).  In this process, Nephi “was caught away in the Spirit of the Lord” and saw many marvelous visions of the world including the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus we see that he had an urgent matter, he pondered on it, he searched the Holy Scriptures, he reflected on it, and he prayed to the Father.

Reading Joseph Smiths account leading up to the First Visions, he recorded that in 1820 he was “called up to serious reflection” concerning which church he should join and his “mind at times was greatly excited.”  He then reported that he read from the scriptures (James 1:5); and, he “reflected again and again.”  At length, he “determined to “ask of God.”  And, he adds that he “knelt down and began to offer up the desires of (his) heart to God” to know which church he should join.  And then, this great vision opened up to him.  As was the case with Nephi, he had an urgent matter, he pondered on it, he searched the Holy Scriptures, he reflected on it, and he prayed to the Father.

In the case of President Joseph F. Smith, in 1918 he was suffering greatly from the loss of loved ones, and he was concerned about their condition.  He reported that one evening he was sitting in his room “pondering over the scriptures; and reflecting upon the great atoning sacrifice that was made by the Son of God, for the redemption of the world.”  He reported that his mind reverted to the writings of the Apostle Peter (1 Peter).  Then, he opened the Holy Scriptures and read from 1 Peter 3:18-20 and 4:6.  He added that he was impressed and continued to ponder (prayerfully) over these things when “the eyes of (his) understanding were opened, and the Spirit of the Lord rested upon (him), and (he) saw the hosts of the dead, both small and great.”  So, similar to the visions of both the Prophet Nephi and the Prophet Joseph Smith, this great vision opened up to President Joseph F. Smith. And, we see a similar pattern.  We see that he had an urgent matter, he pondered on it, he searched the Holy Scriptures, he continued to ponder and reflected on it, and then this great vision opened up to him.

Divine Revelation came to these brethren as they each followed several common steps:

      1. They each had an urgent desire to know the truth;
      2. They were worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost;
      3. They pondered upon the matter;
      4. They read and search the Holy Scriptures for answers;
      5. They continued to ponder and reflect on the matter;
      6. They knelt in humble prayer and spoke with the Father; and,
      7. They quietly waited and listened for answers.

For additional insights into the Patterns of Light and Revelation, please watch the following short inspirational videos from Elder David A. Bednar, an ordained Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Part I:  The Light of Christ

Part II:  Discerning Light

Part III:  Spirit of Revelation

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My Testimony of this Life and the Plan of Salvation

This life and our existence here can be a mystery.  Who are we?  Where did we come from before this life?  Why are we here?  Where are we going after this life?  Is there an afterlife?  For me, the mystery clears as I draw nearer to our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.  I believe we are all spirit children of a living God (our Heavenly Father) and we lived with Him before our birth.  He is the Father of our Spirits; we are of divine heritage.  I believe God is perfect in all things, including Perfect in Love, Perfect in Justice and Perfect in Mercy.  I believe Jesus Christ is His Literal Son, the only begotten of the Father in the flesh, and He is like His Father in every way.  In our pre-existence, we loved God, and He loved us (and still does).  As His children, we desired to be like Him.  Because of His great love for us, He has a long term plan for each of His children (Pearl of Great Price, Moses 1:39) to eventually be resurrected and become like Him and His Beloved Son (Matthew 5:48 and John 17:2-3). His plan includes our being born into this life to gain a physical body, to gain earthly experience, to learn of Him, to turn unto Him and obey His voice, and to prepare in all things to come unto Him again as resurrected beings.

In our pre-mortal spiritual existence, we enjoyed the presence of God the Father and His Son.  We knew them both, and loved them; …and, our spirits were pure and innocent before them.  By our birth to earthly parents, our spirits united with our earthly (mortal) bodies and we became “Souls” (D&C 88:15).  However, in this life, because of the Fall of Adam (which brought temporal and spiritual death upon all mankind), because of our individual transgressions, and because God is a God of Justice, we became separated from His presence (Alma 42:14 and Moses 6:57).  But also, because God the Father is merciful, He has provided a way for us to eventually overcome our condition in this life and return to His presence.  According to the Father’s “Plan of Salvation,” His beloved Son (Jesus Christ) was sent to the earth to atone for our sins and for Adam’s transgression.  Through the atonement, He paid the demands of justice and made it possible for mankind to be redeemed from the Fall (Alma 42:23 and 2 Nephi 2:8).  Jesus Christ took upon Himself the sins of the world; He suffered and atoned for our sins; after which, He was crucified and died on the cross. I also believe that on the third day, He overcame physical death through His resurrection and ascension into the presence of the Father (1 Corinthians 15:55).

Because Christ overcame physical death (through the resurrection), all mankind will be resurrected and will stand before Him to be judged.  Also, because of the atonement and His Grace, and by our living a life of Faith in Him, we can also be saved from spiritual death (spiritual separation from God the Father).  Like His Father, Jesus Christ is merciful and loving, but He is also a God of justice.  So, while His atonement has paid the demands of justice, there is much required of us to qualify for His mercy.  For our part, the Lord exhorts us to live our lives so that we can “stand spotless before [Him] at the last day” (3 Nephi 27:20).  By nature, we are all unworthy (to some degree) of His forgiveness and mercy.  But, we can draw near to Him and receive of His mercy if we exercise Faith in Him, repent honestly of our sins, are baptized by an authorized servant of the Lord (3 Nephi 11:21-22), receive the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost, and continue in a life of righteousness (see Moses 6:51-62 and 2 Nephi 31:17-21).

Essentially, we will be judged according to the desires of our hearts, our faithfulness, and obedience in keeping His commandments and honoring our covenants, and our continuing or “enduring” in good works.  This is “the Gospel Plan of Salvation” …or, in other words, “The Plan of Happiness.”  By following this plan, we can receive forgiveness and qualify for “Eternal Life” with God the Eternal Father and His Son Jesus Christ (Doctrine & Covenants 14:7). “Eternal Life” is the life enjoyed by God the Eternal Father, our Father in Heaven.  My sincere daily prayer is that I and all my family will stand spotless before the Lord at the last day.  For in the Lord’s Eternal Plan, families are meant to be together forever.

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Early to Bed, Early to Rise!

Over the past several years, I find I’m getting up earlier in the morning …and, I actually like it.  This all started about the time I changed my eating habits and began to lose a little weight.  It’s funny, I now find it easier to go to bed early at night, I’m sleeping much better, and I have more energy for the new day.  In addition, I believe this has increased my productivity during the day.  I look forward to getting up early each day, saying my prayers, reading good books, pondering, and meditating.

The routine boils down to the following: Go to bed early each night.  Get up early each morning.  Exercise for a few minutes.  Get cleaned up (shave, shower, and dress in clean clothes).  Go to a quiet place in your home.  Kneel and subdue your spirit before Heavenly Father.  Talk with Him in reverent prayer.  Wait for His Holy inspiration.  When you’re ready, begin to read and ponder the holy scriptures.  As you read, anticipate inspiration from the Holy Spirit.  After you’ve read sufficiently, continue to sit quietly in your spot and meditate for a short while on the thoughts and feelings you’ve received; and, consider some of your blessings and challenges ahead.  (Note: When you find the “right” place in your home, I find it wise to return there each time you study and pray.  So, make it a routine to return to your “special place” for private prayer and study.)

I have discovered the truth of what we read in the scriptures, “…retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary; arise early, that your bodies and your minds may be invigorated.” (D&C 88:124)

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“We’ve Witnessed a Miracle!”

In September 2012, Kathy and I (with our daughter Sara) were on a train from Germany heading for Grindelwald, Switzerland.  The ride took us from Nuremberg to Stuttgart, to Luzern, to Interlaken, and finally into the Swiss Alps to Grindelwald.

Wow, what a beautiful train ride through Switzerland.  But, the views in Grindelwald were even more breathtaking.  From the high Grindelwald valley, we could see clearly the Eiger, the Monch, and the Jungfrau Mountains.

And the valley was one of the most picturesque valleys I’ve ever seen.  Tall mountains, trains, chalets, green grass with large grazing cows, and sheep all were laid out like something we’ve seen in The Sound of Music or at a fictitious place like Disneyland.  But this was the real deal.  It was breathtaking.

We stayed in a chalet-like hotel (Hotel Panorama) located about 20 minutes from the train station.  It was a beautiful spot with great views from our balcony.

That evening we were hungry, so we went for a walk in search of a restaurant.  From the hotel, we walked along a narrow, paved mountain road for about a half mile before coming upon a lovely hotel/restaurant.  We shouldn’t have eaten there, but we were hungry.  It was a white table cloth restaurant featuring a very expensive menu.  And, I think we were one of very few guests.  Anyway, we ordered the food, it came, and it was delicious.  Unfortunately, the meal cost about 160.00 euros.  Oh well, we deserved a good meal.

Before we left, Kathy began to feel a little ill.  She thought there might have been something she was allergic to in the food, so she took a dose of her Benadryl medication.  On the walk back to the chalet, she began to feel worse.  By the time we got to our room, she was breaking out in hives over several parts of her body. Her airway was itching and swelling and even the quality of her voice changed.  We all became very worried, so Sara began searching the phone book for a local doctor.  Soon, Kathy began having difficulty breathing and her condition was getting worse. Sara was able to find an after hour’s emergency number.  She called, but they told us there were no doctors available after hours in Grindelwald, and we should take Kathy to Interlaken for treatment …about 45 minutes away.  We didn’t have a car, and buses and trains had stopped for the night.  Our only option was to take a taxi cab.

Sara called for the cab while all the time Kathy was trembling and seemed to be getting worse.  I could tell she was very frightened.  As a Registered Nurse (RN), she knew her condition was serious, and she feared she would not survive the taxi drive to Interlaken.  At that point, Kathy asked for a Priesthood Blessing.  First, we all prayed together, then I administered a blessing as I listened carefully to the spirit.  After the blessing, Sara went outside to meet the cab driver.  Just minutes later, Kathy became very sick to her stomach and threw up her food.  Then like a miracle, her breathing eased and she began to feel better.  I checked her hives and they were subsiding.  She began to relax for the first time since the onset and she sat up in bed.  Sara and I still wanted to take her to the hospital, but Kathy felt so much better and insisted that she didn’t need to see a doctor now.  She said, “I just want to stay here and sleep.  I’m feeling better.  I want to relax.”  Well, when the taxi arrived we paid the driver his basic fare and thanked him.  Then, we returned to be with Kathy.  Later, Sara said that she “has always felt the Spirit most when there’s a Priesthood Blessings.”  And she added, “I think we’ve witnessed a miracle.”

The next day, Kathy was like a new person.  She could still feel some of the effect of the hives, but overall she felt good and wanted to walk about town and see the sights.  We took the bus down the valley to Grindelwald, left our bags at the train station, and went off on an adventure walk in and around town.

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Faith and Charity

Faith is an action word.  It is not passive. It motivates us and gives us the confidence to act.  It is an important principle of daily activity.  You could say “we live by faith” because we exercise faith in much of what we do.  Faith encourages us to get up in the morning and allows us to live, progress and enjoy each day.  Examples of active faith include faith in ourselves and our abilities, faith in our plans, faith in our spouse, faith in our family and friends, faith in our old truck starting, faith to safely cross a busy street, faith to plant a seed, and much more.  Real faith motivates us to action.

When we act in faith, we act with confidence towards an object, an action, or an outcome.  However, while faith gives us the confidence to act, it does not guarantee a positive outcome.  The object of our faith may fail us.  For example, a faithful old truck may not start, a friend may disappoint, a crop may fail, or we ourselves may fail at a task.

However, there is one object of our faith that will never fail us.  That is, there is one person we can have faith in that will not fail us:  He is Jesus the Christ.  We can have Faith in Him, and we can trust Him.  He is who He said He is; and, He is full of light, honesty, and truth.  He is the Son of God, our Redeemer, and the Father of our salvation.  He has taught that: we are all spiritual off-spring of God the Father …spiritual children of a Heavenly Father who loves us; we can be forgiven of our transgressions; and, we can return to be with our Heavenly Father again in the Resurrection.  He speaks the truth!  We can trust Him and have Faith in Him.  If we exercise sincere faith in Jesus Christ, continue to learn of Him, obey His laws (as we understand them), and remain true and faithful to the truth we learn along the way, then we can change our lives and become more like Him.

In its infancy, our Faith in Christ starts and is based on just a correct idea that He exists …which is True!  When we act upon that “correct idea,” we gain a particle of faith.  If we seek confirmation, the Holy Spirit will confirm in our hearts and our minds that it is true.  And, we should naturally want to seek to know more.  Learning of Christ is key to our Salvation.  He is the perfect example.  As we learn of Him, we can exercise faith in what we are learning, and then know of its truth.  Learning of Christ, getting to know Him, and having Faith in Him, should motivates us to want to change and be better.  As we learn more about Him, we can more accurately model His life and become more like Him.  As we continue to study and learn more of the true nature of Jesus Christ, our knowledge of Him will grow, and we will have more information upon which to exercise faith.  All along the learning process, the Holy Spirit (the Revelator) will add (reveal) insight and will add additional confirmation of its truth.

This is the essence of the miracle of growing your Faith in Jesus Christ.  It is dynamic, growing and ultimately will lead you to Eternal Life (the Life that God the Eternal Father lives).

The Doctrine of Christ (see Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 31)

As we exercise “Faith in Jesus Christ” and earnestly seek to learn of Him by “…feasting upon the word of Christ” (see Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 31:20), we will come to know that in our current state, we are much different than He is.  He is perfect; we are imperfect.  Loving Him and wanting to follow Him, we will naturally want (and need) to change, adjust or align our lives to His example …to be more like Him.  Making these changes in our lives is called: “Repentanceor the repentance process.  Through repentance, we essentially acknowledge our transgressions and commit to live more like our Savior.  In addition to making these “adjustments” in our lives to becoming more like Him, we will want to express our commitment to Him.  “Baptism by Immersion” (performed by an authorized servant of God) is the prescribed ordinance, the gateway!  Symbolically, Baptism is a “rebirth” wherein we become a new person, a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ.

Following our Baptism, we are confirmed members of the Lord’s Church and Kingdom on the Earth, and are given the Gift of the Holy Ghost.”  If we remain true and faithful to our covenants, this “Gift” is the promise of greater influence from the Holy Spirit (also known as the Revelator) in our lives.  Why is that important?  The primary mission of the Holy Ghost is to bear testimony of the Father and the Son.  So, with an increased influence of “the Revelator” in our lives (and with continued study, prayer, and obedience), we will gain additional knowledge and insight of the Lord.  We will increase our understanding of who He is, receive additional insight and confirmation from the Holy Spirit, and become increasingly motivated to modify or change our lives and become more like Him.

As our knowledge of Jesus Christ (His character, perfection, and attributes) increases, so does our Faith in Him … because, we’ll have more information upon which to exercise our faith.  As we gain more knowledge of Him, we will more clearly see additional changes that must be made in our lives, so we will make additional adjustments, and because of that, the Lord will bless us with even greater influence of the Holy Spirit (see Pearl of Great Price, Moses 6:52).

This continuous process of becoming is often referring to as “Enduring” to the end, or “…endure to the end in righteousness” (see Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi 15:9 and 2 Nephi 31:20).

This is the Cycle of Eternal Progression:

    1. Receiving a true idea about the Lord Jesus Christ,
    2. Exercising faith in that idea,
    3. Receiving inspiration or confirmation of it’s truth from the Holy Spirit,
    4. Gaining a desire to become more like Christ,
    5. Adjusting/repentance to become more like Him,
    6. Making or renewing a commitment to follow Him (Baptism/Sacrament),
    7. Receiving confirmation and increased inspiration from the Holy Spirit,
    8. Learning more of Christ and therefore being able to have more faith in Him, and
    9. Continuing  or “enduring” to the end in obedience to the principles you are learning and to your growing understanding of the true nature of Christ.

With increased inspiration and testimony of Jesus Christ, we will have more information about Him upon which to exercise faith.  As we exercise faith in the additional “true” information, our faith in Christ grows more, and the cycle continues.  Of course, all along the way the cycle must be fueled by:

    1. Greater study of the true nature of Jesus Christ,
    2. More effective personal prayers, and
    3. Faithful obedience to what we learn along the way …and know (see Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi 15:9 and 2 Nephi 31:20).

Now, what of Hope and Charity?

Charity is defined as “the Pure Love of Christ,” or the pure love that Christ has.  In the above description of “the cycle of eternal progression,” Hope and Charity are byproducts of sincere Faith in Jesus Christ, and they increase proportionally as we become more “like” Christ.  As our Faith in Christ grows, so grows our Hope in the future, and so grows our Pure Love of God and all mankind (Charity).  I believe it is accurate to say, “the man or woman with Faith in Jesus Christ will also have hope in the future and charity for all.”   The man or woman with great faith in Jesus Christ will have great hope in this life, and above all will have great charity for all.  As the Apostle Paul taught: “And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity” (see 1 Corinthians 13:13).  Actually, I believe these three are inseparable.  They do not come alone.  The person who has Faith and Hope in Christ will have Charity.  The more Faith and Hope, the more Charity.  The Pure Love of Christ (Charity) is a more visible or outward manifestation of one’s Faith and Hope, and of being “Christ Like.”
(See also: Book of Mormon, Moroni 7:33-47)

(For additional thoughts on the above topic, please click on the following link and read the post or article on “The Doctrine of Christ.”)

Click HERE to read an excerpt from the book “Lectures on Faith” prepared by the Prophet Joseph Smith.

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Keeping the Commandments!

The Lord’s instruction to “keep the commandments” (Alma 37:35) may seem old fashion to some, or unbecoming of a loving Heavenly Father to others.  Or, some may think the commandments just take away our moral agency.  But ask yourself, “What are the commandments of God?”  Are they just a set of arbitrary rules that test us, restrict us, and must be obeyed?  And in the end, if we obeyed them, are we to win the prize?  No, the commandments of God are the Laws of Heaven, or in other words, the Laws of God.  They are the same laws He lives by.  They are Eternal Laws.  Eternal Laws are God’s Laws.

In this life, we don’t fully understand all the laws of Heaven …not yet!   But, through prayerful study of the Holy Scripture (and the revelations of God), we can begin to better understand “His Laws and Commandments.”   Then, through obedience to His Commandments (and as we align ourselves with Him), we will begin to more fully understand …and to see more clearly.   The Apostle Paul wrote, “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known” (1 Corinthians 13:12).  So for now, we are asked to live by faith and keep His commandments as we best understand them.  We learn more of the Laws of God by keeping and obeying them.  And, as we faithfully keep the commandments, we will begin to change and become …more like Him!

Consider the following from Elder Dallin H. Oaks, an Apostle of the Lord and now a member of the First Presidency: “The Final Judgment is not just an evaluation of a sum total of good and evil acts—what we have done.  It is an acknowledgment of the final effect of our acts and thoughts—what we have become.  It is not enough for anyone just to go through the motions.  The commandments, ordinances, and covenants of the gospel are not a list of deposits required to be made in some heavenly account.  The gospel of Jesus Christ is a plan that shows us how to become what our Heavenly Father desires us to become.   And what is it that we must become?  The Savior answered very simply: “Even as I am” (3 Nephi 27:27).  He is the mark we must always look to. He is our supreme example. He was chosen as our Savior not just because of His perfect obedience but because of His perfect love—love that encompasses perfect knowledge and that motivates perfect obedience.”
[The Challenge to Become, LDS General Conference, October 2000]

I am convinced that the Laws and Commandments of God are good.  We still have our moral agency to choose to obey …or not.  But, as we do obey and keep the commandments, we will become more and more “Like Him!” (Matt 5:48).

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Maybe We Should Pray!

In the spring of 1975, Jenny and I were living with our three children (Heather, Melissa, and Scotty) among beautiful green forests and farmlands in the Rheinland-Pfalz area of West Germany. Driving home from church one late and rainy Sunday afternoon, we stopped to have a look at an automobile that had rolled off the road and onto its side in the wet roadbed at the edge of a forest. Inside the forest, it was already dark because of the thick canopy created by the trees and the oncoming night.

After inspecting the wrecked vehicle, we returned to our car and discovered we were stuck in the mud. I soon realized I couldn’t back up.  My wheels would just spin in the mud.  But, I could drive forward.  The wet and muddy forest road went down and into the forest. A few weeks before, we had driven down that road and through the forest.  In fact, we found that many forest roads were interconnected and would eventually lead back out onto pavement.  So, I decided to move forward down the muddy road and into the blackness.  Bad decision!

I quickly realized that I had made the wrong decision. The narrow, wet road was now filled with deep muddy ruts, and it just kept leading farther and farther down into the dark forest.  The ruts were so deep that the mud  was scrapping along the undercarriage of our car.  I tried to keep the speed up, fearing that if we stopped, we would become mired deep in the mud.  A little ahead of us, I saw a high spot that looked firm enough to support the weight of our car.  My plan was to get the car out of the mud and give us time to think. I turned sharply to the right and miraculously the car lunged up and out of the mud.

Stuck in the Mud

I turned off the car and climbed out to inspect our situation.  However, with the headlights off, I couldn’t see anything.  It was total darkness.  I turned the headlights back on, grabbed our flashlight, and climbed out of the car again.  After looking things over, I decided my best bet was to back slowly into an opening in the trees; and then, make a mad dash back out onto the forest road heading back up the same way we came in.

So, I backed as far into the forest as possible.  Outside the vehicle, my sweet Jenny held the flashlight and guided me as I backed up.  Once the car was in position, we climbed back in with the children.  I revved the engine a little, put it in gear, and lunged back onto the road …and, came to a full stop sinking even deeper into the mud. Now we were really in trouble.  Outside the car it was total darkness and raining.  Inside the car my wife and I sat with three terrified children (Note: I later learned that Jenny had recently read the story of Hansel and Gretel to the children).

Anyway, now we were seriously stuck in the mud, and I was out of ideas.  I turned Jenny and asked if she had any ideas.  After a brief moment, she said Maybe we should pray? Of course, that’s what we should do.  Why hadn’t I thought of that.  Amazingly, the children calmed down almost immediately. I offered a humble but desperate prayer for help.  As I prayed, a thought came clearly into my mind: “Put on the tire chains!”  I wasn’t even finished with my prayer yet, but I knew in my mind what I had to do!

Standing in 10 inches of mud in her Sunday dress, my dear wife stood in the pouring rain holding the flashlight.  In my best Sunday suit, I knelt in the cold mud, digging and clearing as much as I could with my bare hands from around the rear tires.  As best I could, I attached the chains on the rear wheels.  With faith and renewed confidence, we prayed again and then started the engine.  Slowly, the car began to move through the mud (trudge, trudge, trudge).  Slowly up the road we went and eventually back up and onto the roadway.  It was an exciting moment.  We were so relieved to be freed from the rain, the cold, and the muddy darkness.

In the excitement of being freed from the mud and the darkness, I almost forgot how we got out of the dark forest.  Our five-year-old daughter Heather reminded me when she said, “Daddy, Heavenly Father really does answer prayers, doesn’t He?”

(Note: An edited version of this article was published in the Ensign Magazine, April 2012 edition, page 73.)

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