The People of the Book of Mormon

I am a visual and hands-on learner.  I can learn a subject much more quickly if I have something to look at (e.g., objects, diagrams, and maps), touch with my hands (hands-on), and be able to read about the subject.  I am usually a good listener, too.  So, verbal instructions also help.  I do much better if I have multiple types of input.

That said, I have created a simplified map of the People of the Book of Mormon.  It is a relatively accurate tool that helps me to remember people, places, and events in the Book of Mormon.  I want to share this tool with anyone who may be interested.  It is NOT meant to represent a precise or realistic map of Book of Mormon lands.  It is just a simple diagram attempting to depict the movement of key groups of people, significant locations and places, and other important events mentioned in the Book of Mormon record.  I have also included many dates recorded and estimated in the Book of Mormon.  These dates help me to see- the probable chronological order and estimated sequence.  Please note: this map ONLY represents key events that occurred BEFORE the missionary journeys of Alma the Younger, Amulek, and the sons of Mosiah.  I have NOT attempted to diagram the “war chapters,” nor have I attempted to diagram the glorious events surrounding the visitation of the Lord Jesus Christ to the righteous Nephite people (see 3 Nephi 9-30).

Again, this is just a simple diagram, and it is not to scale.  I have only tried to show the relative periods of time, the associations of key groups, as well as places and events as mentioned in the Book of Mormon.  It was helpful for me to sort out these people and events, and I hope it will be of some use to you (and to others) as you immerse yourself in the study of this inspired work of Holy Scripture.

Graphic #1: A Simple Diagram:
Peoples of the Book of Mormon
(2200 BC thru 120 BC)

Please Note:  You may want to click on this link: “Suggested Map Timeline.” You can print a copy of the Timeline Chart and refer to it as you read thru the Book of Mormon.  It’s also a useful tool as you read along and follow the diagram and/or PowerPoint Presentation below.  Just click on the “Suggested Map Timeline” link above and print it off for a quick reference to dates, people, events and places.

Graphic #2: A PowerPoint Presentation:

If you would like to view a larger interactive PowerPoint Presentation illustrating a sequential timeline of key historic Book of Mormon events, please click here:  Book of Mormon Events Presentation.  When the PowerPoint map image appears on your screen, you can print a full color copy of the diagram for reference.  Then, you can begin to view the presentation by clicking on the “Present” button in the upper right corner of the PowerPoint, or the  symbol at the bottom right side of the PowerPoint screen.  Click thru the slides to watch the PowerPoint.

(Note: One final click after the last screen will close the window and return you to the initial diagram.  (Here too, you can print the full screen.)  Then, click the “X” in the “Book of Mormon Events” tab at the top of the window to close the PowerPoint screen and return to this post.)

Finally, as you view the diagram and watch the attached PowerPoint Presentation, please remember …these are just simple graphic tools to aide in our understanding of the Book of Mormon (it’s key people, places and events).  And also, please remember this very important thought from our Prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, concerning our study of the history and geography of the Book of Mormon.  President Nelson has taught: “Interesting as these matters may be, study of the Book of Mormon is most rewarding when one focuses on its primary purpose—to testify of Jesus Christ. By comparison, all other issues are incidental.” (Russell M. Nelson, “A Testimony of the Book of Mormon,” October 1999 general conference)

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Suggested Map Timeline 

Slide # Description Year Verse 

1 Jaredites travel to the Land of Promise.  Abt 2200 BC Ether 6
2 People of Lehi travel to the Land of Promise.  Abt 600 BC  I Nephi
3 Nephites separate from Lamanites. Settle the “Land of Nephi.”  Abt 570 BC 2 Nephi 5:5-9
4 The Lamanite Nation  Abt 570 BC 2 Nephi 5:34
5 A Group attempts to return to the Land of Nephi, but they fail.  Abt 200 BC Omni 1:27-28
6 Zeniff’s group returns to the Land of “their first Inheritance.”  Abt 200 BC  Omni 1:29
7 King Mosiah flees the Land of Nephi.  Discovers Zarahemla.  Abt 279 BC Omni 12-13
8 Mulekites travel to the Land of Promise.  Establish Zarahemla.  Abt 590 BC Omni 14-17
9 Coriantomr arrives in Zarahemla.  Abt 400 BC Omni 21-22
10 Ammon (+15) departs Zarahemla to find Zeniff’s Group.  Abt 121 BC Mosiah 7
11 King Limhi sends search party to find Zarahemla.  They fail.  Abt 130 BC Mosiah 8:7-8
12 Abinadi preaches in City of Nephi and suffers death by fire.  Abt 148 BC Mosiah 13-16
13 Alma teaches and baptizes in the “Waters of Mormon.”  Abt 147 BC Mosiah 17
14 Alma believes the words of Abinadi and flees from the city.  Abt 148 BC Mosiah 17:2-4
15 Priests of Noah flee the City of Nephi.  Abt 145 BC  Mosiah 19:21
16 King Noah suffers death by fire.  Abt 145 BC Mosiah 19:20
17 Priests of Noah capture Lamanite daughters as wives.  Abt 145 BC Mosiah 20
18 The Lamanite Army Invades City of Nephi.  Abt 145 BC Mosiah 20:6-11
19 King Limhi and his people escape with Ammon for Zarahemla.  Abt 120 BC  Mosiah 22:1-14
20 Lamanite Army searches for Limhi’s group, but they get lost.  Abt 120 BC Mosiah 22:15-16
21 People of Alma flee “Waters of Mormon” and settle in Helam.  Abt 145 BC Mosiah 23:1-5
22 Lamanite Army discovers the people of Alma in Helam.  Abt 120 BC Mosiah 23:25-26
23 They find the priests of Noah in Amulon, and  Abt 120 BC Mosiah 23:30-32
24 The Priests of Noah join the Lamanite Army.  Abt 120 BC Mosiah 23:35
25 People of Alma escape Helam and travel to Zarahemla  Abt 120 BC Mosiah 24:19-25

(NOTE: Consider printing the above page for quick and easy reference.) 

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